2011年1月1日 星期六

More clear scans for upcoming toys in January (TaJaDol Combo)

Here are some scans regarding the toys that are being released in January, there are all related to Kamen Rider OOO TaJaDol Combo.

First up, the TaJa Spinner, it is the main weapon for TaJaDol Combo. It comes with the Kujaku and Condor core medals. It can shoot Cell Medals in the series, but of course not for the toy, it gives out the sound effect of shooting.

From the picture you can see that the button in the front is the on/off button. When you open the lid, you can add up to 7 Core Medals in the slot inside. After closing the lid, pull the trigger behind to spin it. When it is spinning, use the scanner to activate the Giga Scan effect. Then pushing the button with your left thumb can trigger the shooting sound.

The Core Medals given can be used with the Taka Medal from OOO Driver to activate the TaJaDol Combo sound. It will have a special henshin sound and Scanning Charge sound as well.


Next, is the OCC Series 05 TaJaDol Combo,  like the previous OCC figures this one can mix and match as well. The Taka head is different from the one in TaToBa Combo, the Kujaku part of the figure can spread out wings at the back. As for the Condor legs, it can make  talon-like attachments.


The RHS Series 06 TaJaDol Combo figure will be released as well. Although the details are not so good compared to OCC series and cannot Combo change, it is a bit cheaper.


For the Candroid Series, there is the 06 Kujaku Can. It comes with 1 Kujaku Cell Medal. The can resembles a peacock when opened and you can spin the wings.


Last but not least, a Medal case will be released. It comes with 1 Condor Cell Medal. The case can hold up to 24 Medals.

